Monday, September 15, 2014

Let's begin at the beginning ....

(?)(If you were born into a prison, how would you know? Even as a child growing up, did you not think that the world was pretty much the same for everyone? To the kid that took a Rolls Royce to school daily and the girl that grew up in a wealthy family that paid $100 for a hamburger, as a child, you just assume life is the same for everyone. )(?)

The History of Humans

In 1851 in what is now known as Iraq, a group of archaeologists and explorers including Austin Henry Leyard discovered a group of 22,000 tablets containing what we know to be the earliest writings on Earth. The writings date back to over 6,000 years ago when the area was known as Mesopotamia, Sumer, and Babylon. Among these vast writings is a story that mirrors the book of Genesis in the Bible. It tells the story of a great flood that reshaped our planet and all of it's inhabitants. It tells the story of a tower built and the creation of the spoken word. One of these scrolls includes a star map of what very plainly appears to be the Sun and all the planets. The writings include detailed descriptions of our solar system and it's planets matching what we know today and beyond. It includes a 10th planet in an orbit between Mars and Jupiter.  It is written that this 10th planet, Nibiru,  was thrust into our solar system and collided with the planet Tiamat, smashing one half of the planet into pieces, which became what the Sumerians called the Great Band (asteroid belt). The remaining bulk of Tiamat over time became Eyrahu, or Earth as we know it. In retrograde to the other 9 planets, Nibiru took an orbit around our sun in an elongated ecliptic known as an apogee lasting 3.600 years. It passes between Mars and Jupiter. In recent years based on the patterns of our known solar system, astronomers have been looking for a planet with this same orbit. In search of this planet, they discovered Pluto. The search continues. 

According to the texts, this detailed information was given by the Annunaki, which translates as "those who from Heaven to Earth came." They describe the Annunaki as a race of reptilian gods who came to Earth on fiery ships from thier home planet Nibiru, the 10th planet. It is written that these Annunaki came to Earth to mine gold and other elements to replenish and protect the atmosphere of thier distant home planet. After a workers revolt, the Annunaki rulers began to genetically alter Cro-Magnon man to create a slave race resulting in the Human race. It is said that we were created by the gods in clay vessels. It is written that man was forbidden to depict the Annunaki in their actual form.  Just prior to the Great Flood, the bulk of the Annunaki returned to their home planet leaving numbers of them behind to watch over the Earth. "Anu" was left as king.

"Assigned to Anu, to heed his instructions, three hundred in the heavens he stationed as a guard.The ways of Earth to define from the Heaven.And on Earth, six hundred he made reside.After all thier instructions He had ordered, to the Annunaki of the Heaven and the Earth,He allotted their assignments."

This story of reptilian gods creating Man is not at all uncommon. In fact, it can be found in almost every region of our planet. In Japan, Emperors claimed to be descended from dragon gods that came from the sky. Australian Aborigines teach of a race of reptilians that live underneath the Earth and govern over the affairs of men. They believe they are descended from a race of dragon human. China teaches the Serpent Queen interbred with Man. India calls these reptilian gods "Nagas" and claim they seeded their royal families. Throughout the Middle East it is believed a serpent race created Man. In The Book of Genesis, it tells of giants that came from the heavens to breed with the daughters of Man, called the "Nephilim." In Africa they call them "Cheetari," Children of The Serpent. The royal kings of Africa claim to be descended from serpent gods that came from the sky. In South America, the Mayans taught that they were the People of The Serpent. Aztecs were said to be created by a serpent woman. In America, the Hopi Indians believe sky gods came to Earth to breed with their women and were referred to as "their snake brothers."  The word "Sioux" means snakes, and "Iriquois" means serpents. It seems the only place you will not find these stories are places where history has been methodically destroyed.

The descendants of King Anu in Sumeria and Babylon can be traced throughout time. The Pharaohs of Egypt were from the Babylonian Kings. The rulers of the Roman Empire can be traced to the Egyptian Hierarchy. All throughout Europe the Royal Families can be traced back to the Roman Emperors. 34 of the Presidents of The United States are directly descended from European Royalty, with the remaining 8 being closely related to these same blood lines. 

In 1934, President Franklin Roosevelt placed the Great Seal of The United States on the back of the dollar bill. The seal was originally drawn up in 1782 by the Freemasons and depicts the "All Seeing Eye" in the Pyramid, known to be used by the elusive society, The Illuminati. Strung together in much conspiratorial confusion are secret societies The Illuminati, Freemasons, and the Bohemian Club. In 1917, National Geographic did a story on a place in Monte Rio California called Bohemian Grove. The story reports a place where members of the world's Elite, including The Bohemian Club, retreat to in late July to perform an occult ceremony called "The Cremation of Care." Every year in July, the worlds leaders, media moguls, and members of The World Bank spend two weeks in the grove. "The Cremation of Care" involves a ceremony to Moloch, the Babylonian god of human sacrifice. They claim it is nothing more than fun and play acting but it shows a deep involvement in Babylonian worship to the serpent gods.  It poses the possibility that we may be, and always have been enslaved by our leaders. No more than sheep or cattle. There is an endless amount of information out there that supports this, so don't take my word for it, but look into it yourself ......

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