Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Come Join The Debate on FB

Looking to find out the truth about the shadow gov't and their tactics? Come on by and join in on the debate. There's a new group i just formed to educate and diffuse the fear and ignorance and identify the real enemy on FB.

The group is all about exposing the Shadow Government, it's tactics, members, and beliefs, so feel free to challenge others' beliefs and get your beliefs challenged. Debate away! Ask any questions or post about Satanists, Illuminati, Luciferians, Atheists, Freemasons, Zionists, Jews, Christians, Muslims, Anti-Illuminati, Spiritualists, Believers in/Conspiracies, The NWO, Ghosts, UFOs, Aliens, Demons, but don't be surprised when it may not be what you've been told.

Non - Believers, Debunkers, Fence-sitters and Bystanders allowed.

At the heart of it all is their belief system and religion. Beliefs are the motivation,so debate away if you wish or anything else but it's best to have your facts ready.

If you know anyone you think would enjoy learning about this subject please add them or repost the group links on your profiles. This group is about exposing the illuminati and the things they do. It is not about promoting fear or ignorance.

Absolutely NO Disinformation allowed! 

Hope to see you there!

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