Sunday, November 30, 2014


- --- a fragment. Transcribed from a cassette tape recording made at a seance in 1973.

"I PICK THE GOD DAMN terror of the fucking gods out of my nose! Pardon my language. But YEEEEEHAW, let the sons of God and man bear witness! Even in the belly of the Thunderbird I've been casting out the False Prophets; I'm busting a gut and blowing my O-ring, and ripe to throw a LOAF! For I speak only the fucking Truth, and never in my days have I spoken other than! For my every utterance is a lie, including this very one you hear! I say, `Fuck'em if they can't take a joke!' By God, `Anything for a laugh', I say. I am the last remaining Homo Correctus, I am the god damn Man of the Future! I'll drive a mile so as not to walk a foot; I am a human being of the first god damn water!

Yes, I'm the javelina humping junkie that jumped the Men from Mars! I drank the Devil under seven tables, I am too intense to die, I'm insured for acts o' God and Satan! I was shanghaied by bodiless fiends and alien jews from a corporate galaxy, and got away with their hubcaps! I cannot be tracked on radar! I wear nothing uniform, I wear NO god damn uniform! Yes baby, I'm 23 feet tall and have 13 rows o' teats; I was suckled by a triceratops, I gave the Anti-Virgin a high-protein tonsil wash! I'm a bacteriological weapon, I armed and loaded! I'm a fission reactor, I fart plutonium, power plants are fueled by the sweat from my brow; when they plug me in, the lights go out in Hong Kong! I weigh 666 pounds in zero gravity, come and get me! I've sired retarded space bastards across the Cosmos, I cook and eat my dead; YAH-HOOOO, I'm the Unshaven Thorn Tree of the Atlantis Zoo! I pay no taxes! 

Friday, November 28, 2014

Mr. Crowley

Although Aleister Crowley was certainly anti-Christian, he was not anti-Christ. Like many scholars he simply recognized that religious organizations and paradigms do not prevail forever in pristine form, particularly if they fail to evolve and morph as man himself does. Through the ages the institutions of Christianity had become antihuman. Therefore, they need to be replaced by sane, modern ideologies for modern times. Those who see in Crowley nothing but a blustering iconoclast do well to remember that his penchant for deconstruction was balanced with a ability to conceive brilliant solutions to the problems bred by fundamentalist doctrines and dogma:

Crowley desired nothing less than the creation of a full-fledged successor religion - complete with a guiding Logos that would endure for millennia, as had the teachings of Jesus - Lawrence Sutin

Crowley's attacks reached their peak when he penned the slogan of the New Aeon - “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.” This misunderstood motto - adopted by hippies, anarchists, neo-pagans and pop icons - has nothing to do with political revolt and sexual license. It was not meant as a slogan for reactionaries bent on secular revolution, but for Sons of Adam and Daughters of Eve dedicated to cleansing the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual doors of perception.

"Do What Thou Wilt" does not mean "do what you please" though this degree of emancipation is implied...we can no longer say a priori that any course of action is "wrong." Every man and woman has an absolute right to do his or her own true will – A. C. (Secret Conference)

"Do What Thou Wilt" the apotheosis of Freedom; but it is also the strictest possible bond – A. C.

The motto “Do What Thou Wilt” implies attunement between the ego and Imperial Self; which cannot be achieved until the pseudo-self undergoes deconstruction. This deconstruction cannot occur until man separates himself from collective factors responsible for creating and perpetuating the pseudo-self. This separation cannot occur until man has developed sufficient psychic strength - or Will - to go his own way. Aloneness is usually wanting until a man's character is deepened by suffering, which is less likely in a conformist society that suppresses legitimate expressions of emotion and dissuades individuals from addressing the darker sides of life. Therefore, instead of attunement with the Imperial Self we have immersion in the Collective. As Crowley knew, the so-called “I” is not necessarily identical with the Imperial Self. The “self” or “I” of a spiritually inferior man is merely a pastiche of everyone’s attitudes and beliefs, the product of a pathogenic society. To such a creature, the idea of independence, aloneness and psychic sovereignty is contemplated with dread, and men who embody these states are despised and ridiculed on sight.

Whatever your sexual predilections may be, you are free, by the Law of Thelema, to be the star you are, to go your own way rejoicing. It is not indicated here in this text, though it is elsewhere implied, that only one symptom warns that you have mistaken your True Will, and that is, if you should imagine that in pursuing your way you interfere with that of another star. It may, therefore, be considered improper, as a general rule, for your sexual gratification to destroy, deform, or displease any other star. Mutual consent to the act is the condition thereof – A. C. (The Law Is For All)

“Do What Thou Wilt” sounds reprehensible only to those conditioned by religious and societal dogma, and those who wish to enslave the hearts and minds of humans by externally imposed, collectively endorsed morals and values. For such as these, Crowley will always be a veritable “Anti-Christ.” Certainly he was mischievous, irreverent, audacious and self-absorbed. Certainly he was capable of ridicule and hyperbole. Nevertheless, he was certainly of superior character, insight and intention to recent think-tank-funded "people's champions" and media icons who encourage psychic regression and enslavement with chic pop-culture platitudes. His message is an anathema to the hippy and "New-Ager" as much as it is to the buttoned-down Evangelist and Wall Street slicker.

Aleister Crowley was dedicated to all men and women being free to do their own true wills in accordance with their own true natures. He was not...the most evil man in the world, devoted to the vile practices of Black Magic. He was, on the contrary, a devotee of love and will who sought to enlighten humanity

We see then, that we can never affect anything outside ourselves save only as it is also within us. Whatever I do to another, I also do to myself. If I kill a man, I destroy my own life at the same time...Every vibration awakens all others of its particular pitch – A. C. (Magick in Theory and Practice)

What most forget is that true freedom ultimately involves considerable personal responsibility. To attune with the Natural Order and bring one’s being to harmony requires discipline, goodness, virtue, morality, honor,  integrity, principle, probity, honesty, trustworthiness, uprightness, decency, and good character.

Color Yoda and post your finished Djedi.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

The Flow To Go

Poetic licence rules with an iron fist when they unite their energies, Neptune dissolves and diffuses Saturn concretises and defines. ‘Holding it all together’ and ‘going with the flow’ are no longer hippy mantras but mutually bound necessities that must find a synthesis. For us the computer screen world has become a worm-hole into the universes of the imagination and these in turn become real by virtue of the underlying force of their emotional impact.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The Goat of Mendes aka Baphomet

The icon which most people now believe to be a depiction of the devil is Eliphas Levi's 'Goat of Mendes drawing.' This is a relatively modern image, created and drawn by Levi who was a knowledgeable and influential French Kabbalistic Magician whose work in the late 19th Century is said to have started the modern occult revival. In his book 'Transcendental Magic' from 1860 Levi (who had been a Roman Catholic priest) explains that his image symbolises the position of non ascended / non aware humans, linked more to their bestial nature than their god like consciousness. The animal kameas chosen to represent the elemental forces which create our environment.

The Goat sits in water and bears a fiery torch of knowledge between its horns. One arm points to Heaven bearing the inscription' Solve' or' to set free' and one to Earth bearing the legend 'Coagula or (Coagulation / Density / to impede). This image includes the waxing and waning moons and is of Alchemical importance. It is also said to reflect the teachings of the Templars about gnosis, the ability of man to know God directly once he has overcome his animal self. Although the Knights Templar group was an off shoot of the Catholic church and spent hundreds of years crusading against the Moslems (and therefore had nothing to do with paganism) the group fell into disfavour and was suppressed in 1320 following information given by renegade members about supposed heretical practices.

The persecution of the Templars occurred just as the European witch-hunts were gathering pace and so evidence about their supposed devilish practices was incorporated into the developing demonology. The Templars named their icon (of which no drawing, painting or effigy has ever been found) - Baphomet. Levi's drawing was an attempt to give form to this idea 600 years after the event. The image is often described as the 'Goat of Mendes', 'The Witches God' or 'Satan'. None of these is correct. Basically Levi’s drawing represents the animal nature of mankind, which the thinking person has to transcend in order to develop.

One thing is clear; Levi’s image (on which Dennis Wheatly and Hammer Horror films built their fortunes) is NOT a devil figure and was never meant to be. For Levi's model is a Hermaphrodite. In particular, it has breasts. The lack of breasts is a give away for fraudulent versions. Film depictions usually show the 'devil' as being all male and thereby they miss the symbolism entirely.

Levi's figure has nothing to do with witchcraft for it is based on Judaic and Quabbalistic philosophies which are not the same as the use of the goat in Paganism. It is plain that the use of the Goat as a symbol in Paganism the world over is related to its relevance in the day-to-day mundane life of the locality, not to any religious belief in a Devilish deity. As with all knowledge, the truth if any one thing resides in its opposites. The Christian Missionaries have lied to the people for thousands of years and controlled their minds and actions in the process. There was never any Devil other than in their own warped imaginations and any act of Devilry was solely down to them.

To give you some idea of how prevalent and benign the Goat icon was I quote from Barbara Walker in her 'Woman's Dictionary of Symbols and Sacred Objects' in which she says: 'Sacrifices of goats identified with men or gods were common in ancient Greece. The oldest Athenian religious festival was Apaturia, which featured Dionysus in a black goatskin. In Rome the sacrificial god of the Mamuralia was a man dressed in a goatskin who was lead through the streets and flogged as a symbol of atonement. The goat people mythologized as satyrs and fauns were originally men identified with the sacred goats, on whose images the mediaeval goat-horned goat-hoofed devils were modelled. Scandinavians were admonished by their Christian overlords right up to the seventeenth century for their pagan 'goat games' associated with religious holidays and yet these symbols persist. To this day Scandinavians make a Yule Goat out of straw to serve as a year-end sacrifice. Folk dance patterns have absorbed the ancient 'caper' which literally means 'goat dance' from the Latin word for goat. The same source also gave us caprice (capriccio) and Capricorn and the Isle of Capri was once dedicated to the goat lord.

Friday, November 21, 2014

How Do You Know All This?

     Good question, and well worthy of an answer, let me tell you my history of The Illuminati. Warning: I suck with dates but will do my best.

I was introduced to The Illuminati in round about 1989-90 through a good friend of mine in college, I was probably about 19 years old. He happened to be reading a book and WOULD NOT stop talking about it. He went on and on about how once you began to learn of this stuff you would begin to see it in the real world everywhere, IF you paid attention. Mind you, back then, the symbolism wasn't quite as blatant or so well known. I told him he was full of shit and crazy, but he insisted. He said with my interest in ancient religions, psychedelics, the occult and psychology, that this was the perfect book for me. I finally gave in, and I, and another mutual friend that all hung out together, each bought a copy of this "tome." Yes, "tome."

The book is a Trilogy, 3 books in one, and about 805 pages. To say it is not an easy read is to put it mildly, at least at the start. It jumps through time and space at times, sometimes even in mid-sentence, so halfway through a paragraph of one story, it will switch to another character at another time doing something else. Eventually, BRILLIANTLY, all these threads come together and it all becomes very clear, but until then it's a bit of a scramble. There is a method to this madness, however, that I find to be pure genius. It mixes science fiction with a detective story and the occult and supernatural, all the while exposing a most insidious conspiracy along the way. The authors are also huge fans of James Joyce, which should give you some hint. What is this magic book that exposes all you ask? Why, The Illuminatus! Trilogy by Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson. Pure magic, in book form.

As I'm having trouble summarizing this book , I've decided to quote the meta-review of their book which the authors wrote into the novel:

"'It's a dreadfully long monster of a book,' Wildeblood says pettishly, 'and I certainly won't have time to read it, but I'm giving it a thorough skimming. The authors are utterly incompetent--no sense of style or structure at all. It starts out as a detective story, switches to science-fiction, then goes off into the supernatural, and is full of the most detailed information of dozens of ghastly boring subjects. And the time sequence is all out of order in a very pretentious imitation of Faulkner and Joyce. Worst yet, it has the most raunchy sex scenes, thrown in just to make it sell, I'm sure, and the authors--whom I've never heard of--have the supreme bad taste to introduce real political figures into this mishmash and pretend to be exposing a real conspiracy.'

'If The Lord of the Rings is a fairy tale for adults, sophisticated readers will quickly recognize this monumental miscarriage as a fairy tale for paranoids.'"

That said, it was a great book. If you either like science fiction or are skeptical of privilege and politics, you should read it. If you don't see the fnords, they can't eat you

I find this book to be the missing link of research material to most that claim to know of The Illuminati, and probably why the most of them get led down those paths made to look so bright that lead to total propaganda and bullshit or a complete dead end.

How can that be? you may ask. For one, Illuminatus! will teach the lay man to recognize or discover those misleadings often encountered in research of this subject. It will show you a psychological side to the game often played by the Illuminatus!, and more importantly, the very tricks of your own human mind that will lead you astray, for those who have ears to hear, that is. "The thinker thinks what the prov er proves," after all, never forget that, it's one of the most important mantras to anyone that researches this subject that can be known.

So, that was my introduction, way back when, and I never stopped researching. My areas were generally Magick and the occult, and ancient religions, with, eventually, a degree in psychology, while my friends that also had the book at the same time followed different paths of research. One, the history of it all, since he's a wonder with names and dates, and the other, the friend that first told us of it, also followed more of the magickal route. A few other friends picked up the book seeing us lug it along and talking about it, too. We were a full team of research often stumbling upon the most unlikely things in the most unlikely places, such as Masonic material at Goodwill Book Nooks and even books by R. Buckminster Fuller, among many others. At times we would find out about a book at a library and call to reserve it or have it sent to our local branch for research. More than once, the particular book would vanish before we picked it up.

I had never heard of a "Truther" movement, nor any of these Alex Jones type people in all my years of research, until a few years ago. Not even at the dawn of the internet. I just never thought to look. I preferred my own books, which were many, including all of the writings by Aleister Crowley and most by Robert Anton Wilson, who I highly recommend to all, plus many, many others. Most of those people that are most well known are working for the opposition, anyway, which is likely why I never discovered them. I've pretty much researched it all, though there always seems to be more. I could even teach you to use Magick in about 10 minutes, just as someone could show you to play the piano, but you'd still only be able to play 'Chopsticks.' The one person that I did run across, who seemed to be enlightening the world on the airwaves at the same exact time I was doing my own research, but unknown to me, was Bill Cooper. He was certainly on point. Look for his Mystery Babylon shows on YouTube. I wish I had known all those years ago people were learning the same thing I was outside of my circle, that would have been very nice to know. Unfortunately, he seems to have succumbed to the path of paranoia which is fully set in place by design as a trap, like so may others.

My knowledge comes from many years of my own research. In "magickal" terms, I would be known as an Initiate or Initiated, and/or also as an Adept, and while I may not have all the answers, which I don't think anyone could unless a true part of it at the top, I can certainly point you in the right direction and tell you what's bullshit.

Have any questions on the topic you need answered? Feel free to send it along. You have to ask the right questions to get the right answer, after all.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

The Biggest Bullshitters

Want to know if the Information being given is truly about 'The Followers of The Light' i.e 'The Illuminati"? Here's a good way to see if it's misinformation for the ignorant. Namely, these guys/type info is pure disinformation propaganda. Make damn sure you triple check any "facts" given by this lot.


I'm sure this list will grow as I become aware of more of them. Check back often.

The following topics are complete and utter nonsense and/or a way of sending you down the wrong route of information to distract you from what's really going on.
Don't believe the hype.

don't get caught up in the fully designed

Sunday, November 16, 2014

The flag of the modern state of Israel Pt. 1

The House of Rothschild 
was the moving force, both politically and financially, behind the original Zionist movement of Jews back to the land of Israel. Rothschild, began the Zionist Movement in 1896, funded the agitation through 1948 to get Israel re-established back in the land, and has owned the leadership of Israel up to the current day. To see the reality of this fact, you only need to examine Israel's flag. The hexagram is The Illuminist symbol for Israel, while the menorah is the true symbol of the Jewish religion.

Listen to Dr. O.J. Graham in a News Alert for July 24, 2007 with Cutting Edge Ministries:

"The quest began at York University, Ontario, Canada, when an Orthodox Jewish friend of mine was investigating Messianic Judaism ...

" '... the Star of David is not Jewish". (Orthodox Jew)

" 'Well, is it Jewish, Judaism, or Zionism?', I smiled." (Dr. Graham speaking)

" 'Not my brand of Judaism. We use the Menorah.' (Orthodox Jew replied)"

Can this be true? Is it possible that God's mandated Menorah is the real symbol for Ancient Israel, and not the "Star of David"?

How about Wikipedia :

"The menorah (Hebrew: ?????), is a seven branched candelabrum lit by olive oil in the Tabernacle and the Temple in Jerusalem. The menorah is one of the oldest symbols of the Jewish people. It is said to symbolize the burning bush as seen by Moses on Mount Sinai (Exodus 25). "

Not satisfied? Listen to other sources:

"The Menorah has served as a uniquely Jewish symbol from antiquity to contemporary times. The Menorah can be found on ancient coins, gravestones, synagogue decorations. Today the Menorah serves as the seal and emblem of the Jewish State of Israel." ("About Judaism", )

Did you catch that pertinent quote? The Menorah was the symbol of Judaism "from antiquity to contemporary times".

The menorah which appears on the emblem of the State of Israel was copied from the relief carved into the Arch of Titus in Rome, where it had once stood for the suppression of the Jewish Revolt, the conquest of Jerusalem, and the destruction of the Temple. In this context, the symbol of the menorah expresses the thesis and antithesis of Jewish history." ("The Seventh-Branched Menorah: An Evolving Jewish Symbol", by Ida Huberman)

"The menorah was the most important symbol of the Temple after the Ark of the Covenant. The image of the biblical menorah is the symbol of the modern state of Israel." ("Israel seeks return of Temple artifacts", World Net Daily, January 16, 2004)

"One of the oldest symbols of the Jewish faith is the menorah, a seven-branched candelabrum used in the Temple." ("Jewish Symbols: The Menorah", Doing Judaism -

"The menorah is the official symbol of the Jewish nation." ("The history of the menorah",, )

"The national emblem of the State of Israel includes a seven branched-candelabrum, called Menorah, flanked by two olive branches." ("Menorah - Emblem of the State of Israel", (Israel Science and Technology, "Menorah - Emblem of the State of Israel", )

"The menorah is a seven-branched candelabra often seen on Jewish tombstones, especially those of women. The menorah is one of the oldest symbols of Judaism." ("Cemeteries and Cemetery Symbols", )

"The seven-branched menorah's presence in the Holy Temple had been commanded in the Torah (the Hebrew Bible or Old Testament) ... Over the years, the menorah has evolved to represent more than a candelabra. It has become a symbol of Judaism, and is even used on some Israeli coins." ("Hanukkah: The Dedication of the Temple, the Meaning of the Menorah, the Whirling Wonder of the Dreidel", Galleria Judaica: The Jewish Wedding Experts" - )

Next post:

The Hexagram/Star of David's unholy use since the time of Ancient Babylon and Egypt.