Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Come Join The Debate on FB

Looking to find out the truth about the shadow gov't and their tactics? Come on by and join in on the debate. There's a new group i just formed to educate and diffuse the fear and ignorance and identify the real enemy on FB.

The group is all about exposing the Shadow Government, it's tactics, members, and beliefs, so feel free to challenge others' beliefs and get your beliefs challenged. Debate away! Ask any questions or post about Satanists, Illuminati, Luciferians, Atheists, Freemasons, Zionists, Jews, Christians, Muslims, Anti-Illuminati, Spiritualists, Believers in/Conspiracies, The NWO, Ghosts, UFOs, Aliens, Demons, but don't be surprised when it may not be what you've been told.

Non - Believers, Debunkers, Fence-sitters and Bystanders allowed.

At the heart of it all is their belief system and religion. Beliefs are the motivation,so debate away if you wish or anything else but it's best to have your facts ready.

If you know anyone you think would enjoy learning about this subject please add them or repost the group links on your profiles. This group is about exposing the illuminati and the things they do. It is not about promoting fear or ignorance.

Absolutely NO Disinformation allowed! 

Hope to see you there!

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Ancient Symbols and The Modern Legal System

Masonic symbology has come down to us from the cuneiform scripts of the Ancient Sumerians, circa 3000 B.C.. as well as the ancient Mesopotamians and Persians.

The icon of the female carrying the sword and scales is a universally recognized symbol of justice. But how many people aware that these are derived from pagan Greek and Roman concepts. Courthouses throughout America honor the Goddess of Justice with magnificent statues.

Justitia, a Roman goddess of justice symbolizes the fair and equal administration of the law, without corruption, avarice, prejudice, or favor; goddess of divine justice. Sculptors often portray her as evenly balancing both scales and a sword and wearing a blindfold (but often times without one). She sometimes holds the fasces (a bundle of rods around an ax) symbolizing judicial authority in one hand, and a flame in the other hand, symbolizing truth. The Fasces is also where the term Fascism is derived.

The ancient Greeks referred to her as Themis, a Greek mythological goddess originally the organizer of the “communal affairs of humans, particularly assemblies.” One of the Titans, pre-Hellenic nature deities born to Uranus and Ge, she remained and advised Zeus after his purge of the old pantheon. A daughter of Themis and Zeus, Dike, known as a goddess of justice but not divine justice, presided over the apportionment of things among mortals, the protection of individuals and the keeping of social and political order. She carried a sword without a scale of justice. At times Dike is said to be the same (or is she confused with?) Astraea. Astraea is also said to be a daughter of Themis and Zeus and is known as a goddess of justice. Also known as daughter of Eos and Astraeus 1, her head was crowned with ears of grain and for its measure carried a balance or scale. Astraea was the last of the immortals to leave earth after the Golden Age. She has also been called a goddess of purity and innocence. She became the constellation Virgo. Dike left earth when the Race of Bronze was born. Her ability to foresee the future enabled her to become one of the oracles at Delphi, which in turn led to her establishment as the goddess of divine justice. Classical representations of Themis did not show her blindfolded (because of her talent for prophecy, she had no need of a blindfold) nor did she hold a sword (because she represented common consent, not coercion).

click on to go deeper ...

Friday, January 23, 2015

Never forget Katrina!

 Hurricane Katrina was a disaster unlike anything we've witnessed in this nation. Compounded with the ineffectiveness of FEMA and the Bush Administration’s lack of immediate and purposeful action, a Hurricane became a Mega-Disaster by and through the incompetence of FEMA. But was FEMA truly ineffective or did they accomplish exactly what they set out to do? Their agenda being the complete opposite of what Americans would expect it to be in a free and democratic country, but successful in the inner workings of secret tyranny with an agenda of population control and disarming American citizens for a full takeover.

Here are the facts :

Katrina victims were bussed to the New Orleans Convention Center, which proceeded to flood, then to the Superdome, which proceeded to flood, and then off to the Houston Astrodome, being separated from family members and forcibly made to go, which was then hit by Hurricane Rita and proceeded to flood. They were mistreated, neglected, abandoned, starved, and forced into inhuman situations and conditions that were no less than dangerous.
According to many survivors, women were found  raped with their throats slit. Children were found dead in the bathrooms with broken necks, and bodies were piled up in corners and freezers. There were five hour food lines, drug activity, and gang violence everywhere. People died from heat exhaustion that were expecting to be rescued. Reports of screams of terror and violence. Even if these accounts are exaggerated or complete rumors there are two documented rape charges on file, one involving a small child, along with ten deaths. The police chief of New Orleans described the conditions as "horrific" in an article by CBS on Aug 31 2005.

Hoards of people broke into the convention center and started occupying it due to survivors being abandoned and pick-ups of survivors stopping altogether by FEMA. At least 15,000 refugees were trapped with reports of beatings and rapes taking place and when the police chief was finally able to coordinate teams to get in to help those people they were "beaten back soon after they got inside." This was all reported by police chief Eddie Compass on his blog. but, "officially" there were only 10 deaths.
BTW if you've ever been convicted of a felony, forget about FEMA or any other aid from government. Strict orders are in place that anyone with a felony is  not allowed in shelters. The logic being to keep down crime. As you can see by what was reported, this, in no way, has any effect on the outcome of criminal activities.

Several private business and companies stepped up when seeing that FEMA wasn't doing anything to help and in turn were pushed aside, threatened, and sometimes even arrested for trying to help those in need. This same thing happened with the BP Oil spill. Over 50 different civilian air crafts responded to dozens of hospital and other emergency responder calls for help the week that FEMA did nothing. Their efforts to help in these critical situations were blocked on all sides by the government and FEMA. The governments response to why was that these people and craft were not "authorized rescuers." Who knew authorization was needed to rescue people? Many planes and helicopters along with crews of people ready and willing to help their fellow man sat idle in fear of being arrested for trying to help thanks to our government. FEMA even turned away the coast guard trying to deliver much needed fuel for generators and other emergency equipment.
When out of state corporate owners of the Hospitals responded by sending in emergency relief supplies that were double what was needed, they were confiscated in the airport by FEMA. Officials refused to allow 18 wheelers with bottled water inside the evacuation zone. Doctors eager to help the sick and injured were handed mops by federal officials while people died around them. Firefighters were placed in hotels for days to watch videos on sexual harassment instead of being able to help those in need and eventually were let into the field and only allowed to perform secretarial work or public relations.

According to the NY Times Astor Hotel hired 10 buses to evacuate 500 people with their own money, and when FEMA found out, they commandeered the buses and told those on them "to join the thousands of other evacuees walking." At one time they even cut emergency lines on board. The sheriff, when finding out, restored communication and posted armed guards to protect the buses and evacuees from FEMA. This is our own government that people in the midst of a disaster are needing protected from on top of everything else! It makes no sense in a free country at all.

but wait, it gets worse ...

After preventing American media coverage on these outrageous events happening at their hand, (on which CNN filed and won a lawsuit) FEMA began illegally rounding up all legally armed citizens and declared, " no one will be allowed fire arms but law enforcement." In other words declaring not even to consider holding out in your home and protecting yourself and your family. When 58 year old Patricia Konie was barricaded in and doing this very thing, FEMA illegally busted into her home, tackled her to the ground and forcibly removed her from her home for no complying to give up her guns and leave her home. You may have caught this story on the news as it was all filmed as it happened. Law enforcement was then relegated to round up all firearms from citizens. Exactly the kind of situation that the 2nd amendment was written for and no doubt exactly the situation the government was using this situation as a testing ground for to see exactly how far it could go with such things on American soil. A precursor of things yet to come, no doubt, for at this time, over 800 concentration camps are reported throughout the United States, all fully operational and ready to receive U.S. Prisoners who disagree with the government. The concentration camps are all staffed and manned by full-time guards, however, they are all empty. These camps are to be operated by FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) when Martial Law is implemented in the United States (at the stroke of a Presidential pen and the Attorney General’s signature on a warrant). Laws have been signed off in the middle of the night completely stripping Americans of their rights at any given time as said so and imprisonment and detention can be done for basically no reason for as long as wanted thanks to the NDAA which bypassed Congress and was signed into law by O'bama. Systematic stripping of rights have been taking place for years.

Now, unless “the people” react in the millions, life in these United States is about to change forever, and apparently, it could also end for thousands, if not millions of Americans.

Halliburton Confirms Concentration Camps Already Constructed.

In 2002 Attorney General John Ashcroft announced his desire to see camps for U.S. citizens deemed to be “enemy combatants.”

On February 17, 2006, in a speech to the Council on Foreign Relations, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld spoke of the harm being done to the country’s security, not just by the enemy, but also by what he called “news informers” who needed to be combated in “a contest of wills.”

The Washington Post reported on February 15, 2006 that the National Counter-terrorism Center’s (NCTC) central repository holds the  names of 325,000 terrorist suspects, a fourfold increase since fall of 2003. A Pentagon official said the Counterintelligence Field Activity’s TALON program has amassed files on antiwar protesters.

All 800 camps have railroad facilities as well as roads leading to and from the detention facilities, many have airports. Like Auschwitz, some of the camps have airtight buildings and furnaces. The majority of the camps can each house a population of 20,000 prisoners. Currently, the largest of these facilities is just outside of Fairbanks, Alaska. The Alaskan facility is a massive “mental health” facility and can hold approximately 2 million people.

Clearly Presidential Executive Orders primarily from FDR and Bush Jr., which are blatantly treasonous in form, have been laying the groundwork for this Fascist Socialist takeover: http://www.libertyforlife.com/eye-openers/new_void_executive_orders.htm : See for yourself at the link provided.

We are in the final stages of this plan based on the success of “Operation Falcon" : http://www.usmarshals.gov/falcon/index.html

This is for real! – Wake Up!

This country did not achieve greatness with the mindset of "safety first" but rather "live free or die". Truth is the currency of love.   R[̲̅ə̲̅٨̲̅٥̲̅٦̲̅]ution!

5 Ultra Defense Spells

Courtesy of The Hermetic Order of The Golden Dawn

Thursday, January 8, 2015

King James