Sunday, February 15, 2015

Lesser Known Secrets of "The Illuminati"

While the internet becomes more and more filled with disinformation about those in control, this certainly isn't good enough for them, the internet, itself, is in danger of being controlled and censored along with your freedom of speech. This seems to be the direction things are currently heading. It seems their method of disinformation has only backfired and drawn out those that know better and stand to correct the disinfo. No matter how long it may take.

If you're here, you obviously know something is very wrong, and have realised that something is even more wrong with the information you're being given about it, Congratulations on that, you deserve a big pat on the back. You've reached a level higher than what they ever wanted, now keep going, I can only do so much. Know that you are not alone, however. As much as they might have you think that nothing can be done or that it's a losing battle with no hope and no one to do anything about it, it's not true, and one of the biggest lies.

Here are a few others:

"Illuminati" members will not want you to know it that they are constantly in war with other organisations and groups. This is because they want to dominate the world and secure ultimate kingship. Therefore, they constantly feud among themselves while at the same time striving to increase the base of their power and undermine any obstructive competition.

"Illuminati" control the news and media in general, particularly television. If this is known by the general public, many would be keen to find out the details. Therefore, the members of the Illuminati will definitely not let out the truth to you as just mentioned, no matter how trustworthy you may think a particular radio or television personality may be. Who owns that station, who owns that publishing company once it is tracked back? Do you really think if they own it they are going to be putting out the truth?

Airwaves and newspapers are basic communication channels for members, this is not supposed to be known by outsiders. They will therefore pass and receive information and secret messages in television shows, movies, classified ads, and this information is sometimes even buried in news reports. Although hard to reveal and daunting to capture, they have other strange and highly hidden forms of communication, all around and within you, without your knowing it.

They will use the authority to hide their identities and existence as this is the only trusted source by the general public. Therefore the members will not let you know this truth, after all, they have encouraged mindless obedience to whatever orders generated from their servants.

"The Illuminati" is made up of the world’s top financial elite, anyone else is just a puppet. The elite have money and power and want to maintain that money and power at all costs. They believe they are gods like The Pharaohs of  old whose prestige and wealth gave them the ability to manipulate the masses and control an empire. They held life and death in their hands and considered themselves gods. Top musicians and celebrities from the entertainment industry are also often rumored to be members but usually it is only to distract you from the real members. Anyone who must earn a living is nothing more than a puppet to which promises are made. Theoretically, membership rolls are kept secret but do somehow, somewhere, exist.

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