Saturday, February 21, 2015

- --- a fragment cat.log#2pt1

- --- a fragment. Transcribed at great peril from a cassette tape recording made at a seance in 1932

 "even doubles: A structure of soft and hard, a structure of strong and wea.!. "even doubles: Their foundation is wisdom, wealth, seed, life, dominance, peace and beauty.#. "even doubles in transposition: The transposition of wisdom is folly, the transposition of wealth is poverty, the transposition of seed is desolation, the transposition of life is death, the transposition ofdominance is subugation, the transposition of peace is war, the transposition of grace is ugliness.%. "even doubles: Up and down, east and west, north and south. The &entral &hamber of the Temple is precisely in the middle and upholds them all.(. "even doubles: "even and not si), seven and not eight. 6)amine them and probe them. ;ut each ofthem in its place, and return the &reator to 8is place.*. "even doubles engraved, carved, weighed, permuted and formed seven stars in the world, sevendays in the year, and seven gates in the soul, male and female.. "even stars in heaven are "aturn, 
1%. 8e made the twenty-second sign in the seed, and bound it to 9eter. 8e combined one with anotherand with them 8e created, et, 5imel, Dalet, 9af, ;eh, esh and Tav?: 6ngraved with them are seven worlds,firmaments, earths and seas, seven rivers, deserts, days and wees, seven years, seven-year-periods,fifty-year-periods and the &entral &hamber of the Temple. "even is therefore beloved under allheavens.ishna 1*: Two stones build two houses, three build si) houses, four build !% houses, five build 1!4houses, si) build !4 houses, and seven build (4%4 houses. $rom there on go out and calculate thatwhich the mouth cannot spea and the ear cannot hear.

1. Twelve elementals: Their foundation is speech, doubt, motion, sight, hearing, action, lust, smell,sleep, anger, gluttony and levity.!. Twelve elementals: Their measure is the twelve diagonal ribs: The upper-east rib, the north-east rib,the lower-east rib, the upper-south rib, the south-east rib, the lower-south rib, the upper-west rib, thesouth-west rib, the lower-west rib, the upper-north rib, the north-west rib, the lower-north rib. Theye)pand and spread into 2nfinity. They are the boundaries of the Universe.#. Twelve elementals: 8e engraved, carved, weighed, permuted and formed with them the twelveconstellations in the Universe @Aries, Taurus, 5emini, &ancer, eo, =irgo, ibra, "corpio, "agittarius,&apricorn, ABuarius, and ;iscesC, the twelve months in the year @+issan, 2yar, "ivan, Tamu', Av, 6lul,Tishrei, 8eshvan, 9islev, Tevet, "hevat, AdarC, and the twelve parts of the soul, male and female @twohands, two feet, two lungs, the gall bladder, the small intestine, the liver, the large intestine, thestomach, and the spleenC."

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