Sunday, March 29, 2015

Psyops 101 - Internet Reverse Psychology Operations

In your search for the truth, are you being used as a pawn to do the "shadow governments" work for them? It's not like exposure hasn't been a number one concern for them since the beginning. They have think tanks of some of the most intelligent minds on the planet and billions of dollars to do the research to encompass any possible scenario and halt it before it begins. Hopefully you have taken this into account before working to expose them. If you haven't then you need to go back to square one and consider how they can and will use yourself against you without you even knowing it. It has even been passed in Congress that fake news stories and propaganda are allowed to be aired on all the news shows to the general public. You can no longer take anything at face value when dealing with the most insidious group on the planet. Unless you're a lot smarter than the average bear with a very high I.Q. and great powers of logic and deduction you more than likely have more than a few things twisted, especially when it comes to names such as Alex Jones and the lot of disinformation specialists involved in spreading the disease. It's time for you to take a step back and learn what you must unlearn. Critical thinking and the psychology of  human behavior are tools that must be an absolute when wading into the waters of deception. If it were as easy as reading a book or seeing a newsclip to get the truth, everyone would have known of the deception long ago. Strengthening your mind and the skills of your intelligence are just as important as keeping your body strong. Lies will be mixed with truth to gain your trust and have you believe more lies. Ever stop to wonder why certain things are so wholeheartedly promoted as the very face of evil itself but yet none of it points to, or gives the answers as to who? Maybe you should. Perhaps the very thing that they work so hard to have you fear and distract you with is the very thing that they are afraid of and can take them down.

Psychology operations are also known as psyops. Psyops are so amazingly effective that once they are unleashed on the unsuspecting public they start having a momentum of their own. The purpose of psyops is to disempower humanity. Once you start feeling powerless you give up and accept the results. Very few people in the world will ever know or understand what psyops are and how they affect all of us, but it is imperative that you share the information you are about to learn with everyone. This article may be the only one ever written to warn the people about this, so if you are fortunate enough to read this, then please understand that you must share this fortune of knowledge with everyone. A psyop can also be named a web of deceit, especially since they are found and spread on the internet's world wide web of deceit. The reverse psychology psyops are highly effective because good intentioned people are actually giving the psyops its effectiveness. Truthers will unknowingly spread the internet virus thinking that they are spreading the truth when the exact opposite is happening. The truthers will learn the so called hidden truths and will spread them.

Beware of the Internet Troll and Beware of the fake Truther Sites

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This article is going to further enhance your understanding of mass mind manipulation. After you have finished reading this you will look at information you get from the internet in a very different and enlightened way. You will for the first time in your life truly be empowered. 

Truth is empowering and knowing what to do with that truth takes knowledge, which, in turn, will lead to wisdom. The professional operators of psyops really know what they are doing. So you to need to know what they are doing and how they do it to you. 

I know this applies to you for you would not be reading this if you were not wise and seeking knowledge. Do not worry. I will not let you down. 

Internet psyops are backed by very powerful entities that have no limits to their technology and resources. What I am about to tell you is going to really shock you and surprise you. I will now give you very well known examples of propaganda websites. Remember that people on these sites are often themselves victims of these psyop operations. These sites are just a few examples.

 Have you heard of Jesse Ventura, Alex Jones, David Icke, Jordan Maxwell, Mark Dice and those closely affiliated with them? These are just a few examples. After I explain to you how psyops work and what their purpose is you will then be able to know and see when you are being duped. Propaganda gives the impression that the truths they are revealing to you are important and that you need to know these supposed truths. They also give you the impression that what you are being told has been achieved and that there is nothing you can do about it so that you will just give up in desperation, but if everyone learns what I am writing here then you will be empowered, for the New World Order only fears one thing, they fear people power. If all the people start being unselfish, mature, caring, giving and "wise as serpents" and share the knowledge I am now sharing with you then the psyops operations will become powerless. The more you listen to these lies and deceptions, the more disempowered you become and the easier it is for the social engineers to control you and most of humanity. 

When these false stories or an Alex Jones tells you that some people have taken over your country, your laws, your courts, that you are being poisoned, that the New World Order and the United Nations have the Agenda 21 of depopulating the world. etc. etc. and offer no resolutions or point to any major players behind the scenes you feel hopeless and give up. A psyop operations intentions is to have you peacefully just give up your humanity, your freedoms, your rights, and possibly even your life as those who are fooled into joining the New World orders military destruction machine do. Do not get me wrong about the military. for I know that most people in the military are also good people. They just do not know that an evil psyops operation has fooled them and the general public that the military do only good deeds for the good of humanity. Most people today and those in the military now realize that something is very wrong with those who give the orders to do evil. Those giving the evil orders are the ones I am writing this article about. Please understand each and everyone of us are equals. No one, be it a General, a Doctor, A Priest, A President or anyone else are any more important then anyone else. Today this world is under the control and manipulations of what has long ago been termed "A Pyramid Scheme". Look that up online, and you will quickly understand that anyone who enters into a pyramid scheme, does so because they think they will prosper and that someday they will get to the top. What everyone fails to understand is that there is only one on top. Pyramid schemes only serve those on top. If your society is based on a pyramid scheme then you have never known freedom and have never been free, Ever! 

Do not ever give up seeking truth. Just remember how this deceit works and how they are designed to make you feel hopeless and believe that you are powerless and weak. The lies and deception is robbing all of us. 

The corporations have taken over our society and our very government itself is a Corporation. Look it up. When they corporate laws and told us they were laws of "we the people", such as the laws that say that corporations have all the rights of personhood but none of the responsibility. Also their other law that says that no corporation can be held liable, responsible or even be sued. That again is not true. Laws in a free and open society are only created with the consent of the people.

Our government has become so corrupt that it is estimated that sixty percent of those in the U.S Government are members of this secret society to enslave us all.

We the people have given up our civilization to insanity. We have left the insane in charge or our lives. Only truth will set us free of the evil in control today, and that today is unfortunately the biggest secret of all. Do not let absolute truth be a secret.

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