Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The Story of Your Enslavement

Sunday, February 22, 2015

The District of Columbia

The United States Government Has No Jurisdiction Outside The District Of Columbia

The District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871 a.k.a. “An Act to provide a Government for the District of Columbia” (41st Congress, 3d Sess., ch. 62, 16 Stat. 419, enacted 1871-02-21) is an Act of Congress, which revoked the individual charters of the City of Washington, the City of Georgetown, and the County of Washington and created a new city government for the entire District of Columbia. The legislation effectively merged what had been separate municipalities within the federal territory into a single entity. It is for this reason that the city, while legally named the District of Columbia, is still commonly known as Washington, D.C. However, this act was abolished in 1874, and while the name did not change, the territorial Governor was replaced with a three-member Board of Commissioners appointed by the President. This system existed until 1974 when the District of Columbia Home Rule Act allowed for District residents to elect their own mayor. Here is a direct quote from the DoCOA 1871 proving that they have no jurisdiction outside of their 68.3 square miles:
“Our corporate form of governance is based on Roman Civil Law and Admiralty, or Maritime, Law, which is also known as the ‘Divine Right of Kings‘ and the ‘Law of the Seas'”
This is the most powerful and significant information that exists about the “united states.” This federal, corporate, government that has been in place since February 21st, 1871. They don’t actually govern anyone, or anything but themselves! They have absolutely no control over our lives whatsoever. Furthermore, we have absolutely no influence over the decisions, or “ACTS” that they create for themselves which means that no matter what you, or anyone says OUR VOTES DO NOT COUNT! You know what else this means? It means that “Honest” Abe Lincoln not only lied and deceived the world about “freeing the slaves,” but he invented a system of slavery that would include everyone regardless of race or gender. If you think that “this is just a conspiracy theory,” you are wrong this time. Below is the proof that makes this an actual, factual, deep, dark conspiracy.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

- --- a fragment cat.log#2pt1

- --- a fragment. Transcribed at great peril from a cassette tape recording made at a seance in 1932

 "even doubles: A structure of soft and hard, a structure of strong and wea.!. "even doubles: Their foundation is wisdom, wealth, seed, life, dominance, peace and beauty.#. "even doubles in transposition: The transposition of wisdom is folly, the transposition of wealth is poverty, the transposition of seed is desolation, the transposition of life is death, the transposition ofdominance is subugation, the transposition of peace is war, the transposition of grace is ugliness.%. "even doubles: Up and down, east and west, north and south. The &entral &hamber of the Temple is precisely in the middle and upholds them all.(. "even doubles: "even and not si), seven and not eight. 6)amine them and probe them. ;ut each ofthem in its place, and return the &reator to 8is place.*. "even doubles engraved, carved, weighed, permuted and formed seven stars in the world, sevendays in the year, and seven gates in the soul, male and female.. "even stars in heaven are "aturn, 
1%. 8e made the twenty-second sign in the seed, and bound it to 9eter. 8e combined one with anotherand with them 8e created, et, 5imel, Dalet, 9af, ;eh, esh and Tav?: 6ngraved with them are seven worlds,firmaments, earths and seas, seven rivers, deserts, days and wees, seven years, seven-year-periods,fifty-year-periods and the &entral &hamber of the Temple. "even is therefore beloved under allheavens.ishna 1*: Two stones build two houses, three build si) houses, four build !% houses, five build 1!4houses, si) build !4 houses, and seven build (4%4 houses. $rom there on go out and calculate thatwhich the mouth cannot spea and the ear cannot hear.

1. Twelve elementals: Their foundation is speech, doubt, motion, sight, hearing, action, lust, smell,sleep, anger, gluttony and levity.!. Twelve elementals: Their measure is the twelve diagonal ribs: The upper-east rib, the north-east rib,the lower-east rib, the upper-south rib, the south-east rib, the lower-south rib, the upper-west rib, thesouth-west rib, the lower-west rib, the upper-north rib, the north-west rib, the lower-north rib. Theye)pand and spread into 2nfinity. They are the boundaries of the Universe.#. Twelve elementals: 8e engraved, carved, weighed, permuted and formed with them the twelveconstellations in the Universe @Aries, Taurus, 5emini, &ancer, eo, =irgo, ibra, "corpio, "agittarius,&apricorn, ABuarius, and ;iscesC, the twelve months in the year @+issan, 2yar, "ivan, Tamu', Av, 6lul,Tishrei, 8eshvan, 9islev, Tevet, "hevat, AdarC, and the twelve parts of the soul, male and female @twohands, two feet, two lungs, the gall bladder, the small intestine, the liver, the large intestine, thestomach, and the spleenC."

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Lesser Known Secrets of "The Illuminati"

While the internet becomes more and more filled with disinformation about those in control, this certainly isn't good enough for them, the internet, itself, is in danger of being controlled and censored along with your freedom of speech. This seems to be the direction things are currently heading. It seems their method of disinformation has only backfired and drawn out those that know better and stand to correct the disinfo. No matter how long it may take.

If you're here, you obviously know something is very wrong, and have realised that something is even more wrong with the information you're being given about it, Congratulations on that, you deserve a big pat on the back. You've reached a level higher than what they ever wanted, now keep going, I can only do so much. Know that you are not alone, however. As much as they might have you think that nothing can be done or that it's a losing battle with no hope and no one to do anything about it, it's not true, and one of the biggest lies.

Here are a few others:

"Illuminati" members will not want you to know it that they are constantly in war with other organisations and groups. This is because they want to dominate the world and secure ultimate kingship. Therefore, they constantly feud among themselves while at the same time striving to increase the base of their power and undermine any obstructive competition.

"Illuminati" control the news and media in general, particularly television. If this is known by the general public, many would be keen to find out the details. Therefore, the members of the Illuminati will definitely not let out the truth to you as just mentioned, no matter how trustworthy you may think a particular radio or television personality may be. Who owns that station, who owns that publishing company once it is tracked back? Do you really think if they own it they are going to be putting out the truth?

Airwaves and newspapers are basic communication channels for members, this is not supposed to be known by outsiders. They will therefore pass and receive information and secret messages in television shows, movies, classified ads, and this information is sometimes even buried in news reports. Although hard to reveal and daunting to capture, they have other strange and highly hidden forms of communication, all around and within you, without your knowing it.

They will use the authority to hide their identities and existence as this is the only trusted source by the general public. Therefore the members will not let you know this truth, after all, they have encouraged mindless obedience to whatever orders generated from their servants.

"The Illuminati" is made up of the world’s top financial elite, anyone else is just a puppet. The elite have money and power and want to maintain that money and power at all costs. They believe they are gods like The Pharaohs of  old whose prestige and wealth gave them the ability to manipulate the masses and control an empire. They held life and death in their hands and considered themselves gods. Top musicians and celebrities from the entertainment industry are also often rumored to be members but usually it is only to distract you from the real members. Anyone who must earn a living is nothing more than a puppet to which promises are made. Theoretically, membership rolls are kept secret but do somehow, somewhere, exist.

Alchemy - Sacred Secrets Revealed of Alchemy is misunderstood and shrouded in mystery within magical and fraternal orders, it is our goal to unravel some of the aspects which remain hidden behind conventional history.

First of all what is alchemy?

The medieval forerunner of chemistry, based on the supposed transformation of matter. It was concerned particularly with attempts to convert base metals into gold or to find a universal elixir.” -Google

Many of the great minds of history studied and practiced Alchemy. It was responsible for sacred knowledge, sacred geometry, science, chemistry, medicine, healing, enlightenment, spirituality, and so much more.

Much of the history of Alchemy is scattered and viewed as only the science of attempting to changing regular metal into gold. Although that practice was probably attempted on the physical level, Alchemy has higher symbolic lessons about enlightenment and the transmutation of the soul.

The study of alchemy is as much a spiritual practice as it is a scientific study.  

Check out this excellent 8 video playlist with the history and teachings of the hidden Art & Science of Alchemy! I've found these to be the best around.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Top 10 Ways To Test Conspiracies

What Is a Conspiracy Theory And Why Do They Tend To Proliferate? Why do people believe in conspiracy theories? 

According to the University of Kent psychologists Michael J. Wood, Karen M. Douglas, and Robbie M. Sutton in a paper entitled “Dead and Alive: Beliefs in Contradictory Conspiracy Theories,” a conspiracy theory is “a proposed plot by powerful people or organizations working together in secret to accomplish some (usually sinister) goal” that is “notoriously resistant to falsification,” and that has ‘new layers of conspiracy being added to rationalize each new piece of disconfirming evidence.” Once you believe that “one massive, sinister conspiracy could be successfully executed in near-perfect secrecy suggests that many such plots are possible.” With this cabalistic paradigm in place, conspiracies can become “the default explanation for any given event—a unitary, closed-off worldview in which beliefs come together in a mutually supportive network known as a monological belief system.” For example, the authors of this study report that “a belief that a rogue cell of MI6 was responsible for [Princess] Diana’s death was correlated with belief in theories that HIV was created in a laboratory, that the moon landing was a hoax, and that governments are covering up the existence of aliens.” The effect continues even when the conspiracies contradict one another. For example, the more participants believed that Diana faked her own death, the more they believed that she was murdered. They call this process global coherence: “Someone who believes in a significant number of conspiracy theories would naturally begin to see authorities as fundamentally deceptive, and new conspiracy theories would seem more plausible in light of that belief.” Thus, “conspiracy advocates’ distrust of official narratives may be so strong that many alternative theories are simultaneously endorsed in spite of any contractions between them.”

Some conspiracy theories are true, some false. How can one tell the difference? The more the conspiracy theory manifests the following characteristics, the less likely it is to be true. Here are:

The Top 10 Ways To Test Conspiracies

1.Proof of the conspiracy supposedly emerges from a pattern of “connecting the dots” between events that need not be causally connected. When no evidence supports these connections except the allegation of the conspiracy, or when the evidence fits equally well to other causal connections—or to randomness—the conspiracy theory is likely false.

 2.The agents behind the pattern of the conspiracy would need nearly superhuman power to pull it off. Most of the time in most circumstances, people are not nearly so powerful as we think they are. 

3.The conspiracy is complex and its successful completion demands a large number of elements. 

4.The conspiracy involves large numbers of people who would all need to keep silent about their secrets.

5. The conspiracy encompasses some grandiose ambition for control over a nation, economy or political system. If it suggests world domination, it’s probably false.

6.The conspiracy theory ratchets up from small events that might be true to much larger events that have much lower probabilities of being true. 

7. The conspiracy theory assigns portentous and sinister meanings to what are most likely random and insignificant events. 

8.The theory tends to commingle facts and speculations without distinguishing between the two and without assigning degrees of probability or of factuality. 

9.The theorist is extremely and indiscriminately suspicious of any and all government agencies or private organizations. 

10. The conspiracy theorist refuses to consider alternative explanations, rejecting all disconfirming evidence for his theory and blatantly seeking only confirmatory evidence.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

but ... It's always been that way

A phrase no one is unfamiliar with, I'm sure, but is that such a good thing? Rituals and customs are commonly set up and expanded upon over time by the Elite in control as a way to mold and conform a society. Just look at The Super Bowl and at what Christmas has become for huge glaring examples. Usually behind it all is the all mighty dollar and getting it into their pockets, along with enslaving and distracting a society at the same time. Just look at the Romans and the reasons behind the coliseums. Look at this shiny thing over here, while we do this over here, so you don't notice; A fully predictable and in your face tactic. So then why are so many people blindly following the herd and upholding a ritual that directly benefits the "powers that be" with money and control?
I mean there's the obvious answer that people are stupid, but really, people are a lot smarter than they know. Everyone is really smart about something, not to mention the dumbing down tactics involved throughout a person's entire life from the moment of birth to instill the message that you're not, and the complete and utter lies about history. I don't care what anyone says, People built The Pyramids. Yes, we are that intelligent and more, it doesn't take aliens, but I digress...

What this is, is a logical fallacy, the Appeal to Tradition. Appeal to Tradition is a fallacy that occurs when it is assumed that something is better or correct simply because it is older, traditional, or "always has been done." This sort of "reasoning" has the following form:

X is old or traditional
Therefore X is correct or better.

I've seen no better way to illustrate this, and I wanted to share it with you. The original academic study reference on which it is based is the snappily entitled “Stephenson, G. R. (1967). Cultural acquisition of a specific learned response among rhesus monkeys. In: Starek, D., Schneider, R., and Kuhn, H. J. (eds.), Progress in Primatology, Stuttgart: Fischer, pp. 279-288 

Read on for more ...

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The Origin of Enochian Magick

The road to knowledge has always been an elusive one and scarcely is it easily tread. Only those lithe of mind can navigate the oceans of information we find ourselves in; discerning, scouring the horizon for truth's dim glow. For such aspirants, the task becomes a balancing act of intuition and the forging of a logical congruence of one's own. Few seekers find their solace; some grow old and tired, and surrender themselves to the mystery. Some flock to the stale, modern notion of the Scientific Method; one that leaves little if any room for such things as sacredness or divinity. Others yearn to deepen their spirituality and gravitate to the religious spheres, often becoming plagued with cognitive dissonance as faith replaces logic. Less common is the mind that, unsatisfied with it's academic and religious conditioning, turns to occult wisdom in search of counsel.
John Dee, a man regarded as one of the most brilliant minds of the 16th century, was one such seeker. His quest for what he referred to as "radical knowledge", or knowledge of that which was beyond the normal understanding of reality, took him from a world of royal luxury and social status to the enigmatic and forsaken realms of what some call black magick. He's been described as the quintessential magician and his work has influenced everything from Shakespeare, navigation technologies, Elizabethan politics, to the current world of the occult.