Tuesday, October 28, 2014

A message to the awakened ones ....

If you want to make a difference and help to awaken the masses for a better and honest world there IS something YOU can do to fight back, you can actually use their own most prized weapon of mass manipulation against them... It's very simple, very effective and it's FREE!!!

All you need to do is make it a daily habit (I do it every night before I go to bed) to take out all of your paper money and on the white paper edge of each bill write this: "Google: WTC7"
Money is THEIR greatest weapon against us, they create it out of nothing, make us slave away our entire lives just to try and earn enough of it to survive. They use it to start and fund endless and pointless wars so they can send more 'useless eaters' off to kill and die for no reason other than they hate us and want us all dead. Now it's time for US to use their own weapon against them to expose and destroy them... and the irony is like icing on a cake!
Most of the paper money in circulation gets passed through more hands, more wallets, pockets and purses etc. than you could ever imagine and can often finds it's way to every corner of the country and back again. By only writing on the white edge part of the bill you are not actually defacing it, therefore it is not a reason for it to be removed from circulation. This is something that only takes a minute of your time each day, but has the potential to ultimately change the course of history in a very positive way! The phrase 'Google: WTC7' is a simple but perfect introduction to the truth. Most people won't have any idea what 'WTC7' is and being that it's only four characters; many will type it into Google just out of sheer curiosity. However the results from that search and the path it will lead them down will change their life forever. So make this small thing a daily habit and pass it on so others will do it too. Copy and paste THIS to your channel, your facebook wall and anywhere else you can think of! Let's awaken this sleepy lion (aka humanity) and then we can feed it some elite assholes for breakfast and make this a much better world for everyone!

many thanks to 1loydster 

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Eyes Opening

Knowledge is Power.  You are not taught to have power,  you are taught to obey.

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Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Sophia is The Key

Who is Sophia? 

I am the first and the last. I am the honored one and the scorned one. 
I am the whore, and the holy one. I am the wife and the virgin.
I am the mother and the daughter….I am she whose wedding is great,
and I have not taken a husband….I am knowledge, and ignorance.
THUNDER, PERFECT MIND, Gnostic poem, 100 A.D.

Sophia is a central figure of the Gnostic texts and is a central figure in the Odes of Solomon found in the Gnostic text, Pistis Sophia. Every mystical branch of every religion refers to her. She is universal.

Sophia is that part of humanity that gives us unlimited power. The part that is coveted by the Masters of The Elite. An ability they do not have nor can they hope to attain. The ability that can bring them down through proper use and meditation. Sophia can and will begin to reverse the damage once you have contacted that part of you. Humanity joining together and using the gifts bestowed to us is all it takes. Learn this knowledge and pass it on.

The early Judeo-Christian Gnostics referred to her as the Wisdom of God. She is God’s feminine half—the compassionate side. She is the Holy Ghost, the Logos, Word, or Tao. She is Universal Intelligence projected into this realm by the First Manifested described in Gnostic Cosmology. She originates from regions outside time and space; from the world of the Shamans—the unconscious. She is infinite intelligence and wisdom always providing guidance and help to those who ask. Because she is beyond space and time, she is the source of synchronistic events and exists just behind the veil. Sophia sends us messages in dreams, often found through archetypal symbols found in mythology and alchemy. In psychological terms, von Franz describes her as representing the collective unconscious as “the sum of all the original idea patterns of reality.” (von Franz, Alchemy, p.184)

In St. Thomas Aquinas’s alchemical treatise, Aurora consurgens, Sophia seeks the human being who is worthy of her. She whispers in our ears in those quiet moments when we are still, to come and draw near. “Leave the ways of the Corruptor, and come near to me and I will enter into you and make you wise in the way of Truth.” (Ode to Solomon, p. 146) This represents the mystical marriage of our soul with the godhead. It represents the merging of our consciousness with our ‘diamond body’ by turning off the ‘out-flowing’ of our individual will. Once this happens we will possess a higher state of awareness and gradually melt and merge into something else—our beloved.


None of us is in danger of losing sight of the world's suffering. Every form of news media, art, and entertainment relentlessly barrages us with reminders. The rebels and iconoclasts offer an alternative truth that sometimes rises above the nihilistic propaganda: that the world is beautiful, that humans are miraculous, that we are doing amazingly well as we carry out this impossible experiment called life.

Spread the Word

Friday, October 17, 2014

Freemasons - What's the connection?

Fake masonry
"The proper cure for bad information is more information, not secrecy or censorship."Author Unknown

The "Illuminati" was/is a case of Fake Masonry.

Fake Masons? Counterfeit Freemasonry. What's THAT all about anyway? People don't really just 'pretend' to be Masons, do they? They wouldn't just start a group and call themselves something they aren't....
Well, yes - in some cases they do! Even at the formation of the very first Grand Lodge there were rival groups, imitators, dissenters, and merely idle 'troublemakers'. Why? A variety of reasons but usually spite, a strong desire for self-aggrandizement and/or personal greed seem to top the list.
All three are strong motivators, particularly when someone feels that they can bring themselves greater personal recognition and reward. Today, they can use the internet to create what appears to be 'the real deal' - but better - so that the unsuspecting who want to actually become Masons will wind up giving them money (and praise) instead. There are also those who create such organizations as a 'front' for other nefarious deeds, usually criminal. Long before telemarketing and telephones, Masonic degree peddling was a VERY lucrative business, making scam artists a pretty penny. Today with the internet, such scams grow and flourish! As with telemarketing, these spurious groups do LOTS of dancing around trying to claim "We are legitimate!" while regular, 'recognized' Grand Lodges merely go about their business.

Oh, what the heck....

The 'not bothering to notice' attitude taken by regular/recognized Grand Lodges and the general tenor of today's society seems to be the cause of some Masons taking what they would regard as a 'live and let live' attitude. They'll assert, for example, that these groups have just as much right to be regarded as Freemasons as those who are regular/recognized and who have historical roots to the foundation of the organization. Sadly, though, their logic is based on a flawed assumption: they presume that because someone has gotten a ritual from somewhere and has decided that they can call themselves Masons (or Free-Masons, or whatever), then they actually are. It would be as foolish as my claiming to be a woman, or a car, or a hippopotamus and expecting everyone to recognize me as such. Just because someone CLAIMS to be something, doesn't make it so! I can claim to be Italian - but I'm not. I can claim to be a Doctor of Engineering - but I'm not. Why should someone CLAIM to be a Mason when all they've done is read from a ritual that they bought in a grocery store?
From the pages under 'Related Topics' on the right side of this page you can see some examples of just WHY anyone who stands up to proclaim that they're a Mason should NEVER be regarded as such.
In Freemasonry today, if someone is particularly friendly or seems quite intelligent, many of those online will easily succumb to the rhetoric that 'they're a Mason even if my Grand Lodge doesn't accept them as such'. They'll tell you that they're a "different obedience" as if they were somehow quasi-legitimate. Tired arguments, sometimes dragging Prince Hall Freemasonry into the picture, blur the matter and ignore the fact that these counterfeit groups simply appear out of thin air and now use the internet (as well as ignorance about the many differences from Grand Lodge to Grand Lodge) to claim their legitimacy. 'Dumbed down' arguments ("It's like comparing which of two rock bands are better." or "It's the difference between strawberry ice cream and coffee ice cream.") completely overlook a several hundred year old structure which assures a certain degree of uniformity in behavior that, in their case is non-existent and is subject only to the whims of the creator-leader, regardless of his (her) benign motives or criminal intent.
The moniker 'fake' seems harsh, particularly to those who bear that label from this website, but what else can one call a group that solicits membership using the symbols of an organization to which they have no formal connection, save the use of the same ritual - perhaps from a book bought in a grocery store? Because a tractor uses gasoline, can it be called a motorcycle and driven around on a freeway? These groups will also make claims of being the legacy heir of some fanciful legend and their websites may show the leadership in fancy Masonic trappings (sometimes looking like parodies of a jewelry store mannequin) all designed - again - to obfuscate their illegitimacy. They want you to believe that if you join with them you'll be "a Mason" in all respects (and, it's intimated, a far BETTER one than that old, stodgy 300+ year old group with the several million members) when, in fact, you're only a member of their own small group of miscreants, governed by a not-always benevolent dictatorship. You will certainly NOT be accepted as a Freemason nor can you - as is said in Masonic ritual - "travel in foreign countries, work, and receive Master's pay".

Run this by me again: isn't all Masonry the same thing?

No, not really.... There are many organizations/groups and individuals who try to present themselves as 'Masonic' (or pretend that they're 'Masonry') when they are only so in their own minds. While theymay consider themselves to be Masons, no one else in the world does - and therein lies the rub. Because the words 'Mason', 'Masonry', 'Freemasonry', and the like are not protected by copyright, trademark or in any other enforceable way, their free use is found everywhere in the world. You yourself could start "Joe's Masonic Lodge" tomorrow if you wished. Would any Mason recognize you as being a legitimate Mason or Masonic entity? No - although you yourself might feel to your very core that you and your organization were, indeed, 'Masonic'. 

Thursday, October 16, 2014


“Success is determined not by whether or not you face obstacles, but by your reaction to them. And if you look at these obstacles as a containing fence, they become your excuse for failure. If you look at them as a hurdle, each one strengthens you for the next.”

--- Ben Carson

Saturday, October 11, 2014

The Eyes Removed

"If the letter J is only 400–500 years old, what was the J sound that preceded letter?"

The "J" glyph is a lot older than that, but it was simply a variant of the "I" glyph, same as we have two different lowercase a's. As with 'V', which could denote either the consonant 'V' or the vowel 'U', an 'I' could denote either the vowel 'I' or the consonant 'J'. The pronunciation of both the vowel and the consonant varied by language, time, and place.

Which one of these images does NOT depict Jesus but depicts the inserted and often used god of The Luciferians instead?

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

MOZART'S MAGIC FLUTE by Manly P. Hall (summary)

What if the original purpose of secret societies was to enable certain people to transcend normal human psychological dysfunctionalities, if, they were committed to facilitating the dissemination of pure wisdom or knowledge that is without greed, ego, anger, hate, sadness, fear, envy, jelousy, frustration, etc.?

The opera known as 'The Magic Flute' is sometimes thought to be little more than a fantasy, and though it may seem so to the average spectator, not to those whom have been initiated into the mysteries (the understanding of the concept of 'metaphor'). For example, within the initiation process the neophyte passes through the four elements to achieve victory over Earth, which represents the physical life, Water, which is the vital/spiritual or psychic life, Fire, which is the emotional nature, and Air which is the mental principle. These four initiations are people learning to control the four vehicles, or bodies, which they have at their disposal, the physical, vital, emotional and mental bodies. The victory over these bodies is achieved by the victory over the principles which they represent. The victory over materialism is the initiation of Earth represented by a subterranean location or burial in a stone sarcophagus. Transition through Water or the crossing of a flooded stream or the navigation of a boat without oars using only one's will representing the purification of the generative power of the vital principle of humanity. The initiation of Fire is represented by a transition through a long passage way filled with smoke, flames, and combustion to achieve control of the intensities of humanity's emotional and desire natures. Here one must fight with the Fire within oneself, the fire of hate, the fire of anger, the fire of lust, the fire of temper. Unless humanity can control all of these emotions then one can not achieve victory. The initiation of Air takes place in a high mountainous region or involves the motion through the air like in a hot-air balloon or roller coaster.

You will notice that the ancient initiation of Water is performed by Christians, in the New Testament by John The Baptist, during their 'baptism' ceremony. Even Christ's death and rebirth is symbolic of the metaphorical 'death' of psychological dysfunction and the 'rebirth' of the divine pure wisdom or the transcendence of insanity or psychosis as explained in the first paragraph above.

The Magic Flute is also the same as the flute carried by Krishna of India which he used to play the mysterious melodies to charm the Gopis and cause the shepherd maidens to dance in their circle of 12 around him as symbolical of the zodiac and its sacred dance around the Sun. This also is the mysterious instrument of Shiva.

Manly P. Hall was considered to be one of the foremost experts in the actual wisdom of the great Philosophers, Masons, Illuminati, Shining Ones, etc. and presents the meaning behind Mozart's opera, 'The Magic Flute' which attempts to explain humanity's struggle against political deception, dictatorial tyranny, and mass mind control.

Johann Adam Weishaupt (6 February 1748 -- 18 November 1830) was a German philosopher and founder of the Order of Illuminati, a secret society with origins in Bavaria. Their slogan was, 'Liberty, Equality, Fraternity.'

BOOK: Secret Teachings of All Ages by Manly P Hall (1928)

Facebook 20-minute extended summary version: 

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Fight Evil, Do Not Let It Fill You

Do not carry the poison of evil within yourself

In a world filled with evil, as you can see everywhere, there is a tendency of identification with it, and its penetration into your depths. If you succumb to its influence and begin to carry it within yourselves, even from motivation to fight it, you will get nowhere, but to become the bearer of evil, hatred, revenge, jealousy, etc.

Thus, your creative energy is tied into a tight knot with evil instead of trying to find some creative solutions that are always there, but instead enter in the fight against evil, and thus identify with it. Your very being is simply poisoned by this senseless reaction, and you are drawn into the process of "struggle", not seeing that it simply drains you and redirects your creative energy into dead end direction.

Yes, to fight the evil is a noble task. But only if you do not fill your soul with it. Revenge and hatred does not solve anything. But the fight for Life, your mother, brother, friend, wife, and children - is another matter. Because you are not fighting just from hate, but in the name of Good and Life, and thus clear the your house from trash and dirt of evil. And trash and dirt certainly stand in your way, and therefore to cleanse your house out of love for your neighbor, and for Life itself, creativity and prosperity is worthy of 

your energy.

But this struggle will bring real benefits, leading to Good, only if it is carried out with AWARENESS, with clarity of mind, but not from blind rage and hate, greed, envy and blind denial. Otherwise, you yourself will become that evil dragon, you were trying to defeat, as it is said in the story of wisdom about the evil dragon.

Try to look for solutions, not just to fight. And it does not matter how small and "insignificant" your contribution may seem to you. Any decision, any genuine progress is a part of a larger solution. Trust yourself. Perfection is sitting right inside of yourselves, no matter of how "big" or "small it may seem to you."

It is necessary to disseminate quality information that reveals the essence, to organize yourselves into groups to propose the legislative bills, write the statements, without worrying about how effective they may turn out to be, to think about constructive solutions to existing problems, and bring up the legal complaints against the bearers of evil in all courts. Because this is probably one of the most effective methods. And the evidence you have is MOUNTAINOUS. Just Dig. It is ALL there "in the house of a good host."


Contrary to myth being fabricated, Islam does not pose a threat to the West. Rather, Islamic “terrorist” organizations have been created to serve Western imperialistic objectives. These groups are intertwined with Western power through a network of occult secret societies. This relationship dates back to sixth century BC, and the birth of the Kabbalah, in Babylon; a plot to seek world domination through the use of magic and deception.

Herod the Great incepted a series of cooperative dynastic relationships. Their first conspiracy: to corrupt the emerging Christian movement, imposed upon the Roman Empire as Catholicism, with which they would struggle ever since for supremacy over Western civilization.

During the Crusades, these dynastic families associated with their counterparts in the East, members of the heretical Ismaili Muslims of Egypt, known as the Assassins. Templars were believed to have "rescued" a number of these "Eastern Mystics", and brought them to Scotland, being the basis Scottish Rite Freemasonry. The legend also led to the formation of the "Asiatic Brethren", founded by followers of the infamous Jewish false-messiah, Shebbetae Zevi. The Asiatic Brethren then became the successors of the Illuminati, and became involved in the development of Egyptian Rite Freemasonry.

With Napoleon’s conquest of Egypt, Freemasons in his army reconnected with their brethren in Egypt, sparking a relationship that was pivotal to the development of the Occult Revival of the late nineteenth century.

These associations were part of a grand strategy, as outlined by Albert Pike, who originally devised a plot for three world wars, culminating in a third against the Muslim world. However, because the Islamic world had been successfully dismantled, both through the instigations of the West, and by way of their own corruption, they were incapable of mobilizing any kind of threat. It therefore had to be contrived.

This was the agenda of the Oxford Movement, to spread Scottish Rite Freemasonry in the Middle East, headed by Lord Palmerston, Benjamin Disraeli and Edward Bullwer-Lytton, a leading occult figure, as head of the SRIA, or English Rosicrucians, which evolved directly from the Asiatic Brethren.

The agent of this strategy was a notorious impostor by the name of Jamal ud Din al Afghani, who became the founder of what is called the Salafi "reform" movement of Islam. According to K. Paul Johnson, it was Afghani, as head of the occult Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor, or HB of L, who was responsible for teaching Helena Blavatsky her central doctrines. Helena P. Blavatsky, the famous medium and mystic, was the godmother of the New Age movement, whose books are considered the "bibles" of Freemasonry. Numerous other leading occultists affiliated with the English Rosicrucians and Egyptian Rite Freemasonry travelled to Egypt at the time, and on their return, established branches of the HB of L, out of which emerged the Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO), the most notorious member of which was Aleister Crowley.

The Nazis were the result of a merging of the O.T.O of Crowley and the Thule Gesselschaft of Germany. It is presumably for this reason that Hitler, when he wished to create an arm of German Intelligence in Egypt, contacted a leading Salafi and Freemason, named Hasan al Banna. With the demise of the Nazis following WWII, control of the organization was transferred to the CIA. It was its eventual head, Allen Dulles who spearheaded the move to hire ex-Nazis to train the terrorists.