Sunday, October 5, 2014

Fight Evil, Do Not Let It Fill You

Do not carry the poison of evil within yourself

In a world filled with evil, as you can see everywhere, there is a tendency of identification with it, and its penetration into your depths. If you succumb to its influence and begin to carry it within yourselves, even from motivation to fight it, you will get nowhere, but to become the bearer of evil, hatred, revenge, jealousy, etc.

Thus, your creative energy is tied into a tight knot with evil instead of trying to find some creative solutions that are always there, but instead enter in the fight against evil, and thus identify with it. Your very being is simply poisoned by this senseless reaction, and you are drawn into the process of "struggle", not seeing that it simply drains you and redirects your creative energy into dead end direction.

Yes, to fight the evil is a noble task. But only if you do not fill your soul with it. Revenge and hatred does not solve anything. But the fight for Life, your mother, brother, friend, wife, and children - is another matter. Because you are not fighting just from hate, but in the name of Good and Life, and thus clear the your house from trash and dirt of evil. And trash and dirt certainly stand in your way, and therefore to cleanse your house out of love for your neighbor, and for Life itself, creativity and prosperity is worthy of 

your energy.

But this struggle will bring real benefits, leading to Good, only if it is carried out with AWARENESS, with clarity of mind, but not from blind rage and hate, greed, envy and blind denial. Otherwise, you yourself will become that evil dragon, you were trying to defeat, as it is said in the story of wisdom about the evil dragon.

Try to look for solutions, not just to fight. And it does not matter how small and "insignificant" your contribution may seem to you. Any decision, any genuine progress is a part of a larger solution. Trust yourself. Perfection is sitting right inside of yourselves, no matter of how "big" or "small it may seem to you."

It is necessary to disseminate quality information that reveals the essence, to organize yourselves into groups to propose the legislative bills, write the statements, without worrying about how effective they may turn out to be, to think about constructive solutions to existing problems, and bring up the legal complaints against the bearers of evil in all courts. Because this is probably one of the most effective methods. And the evidence you have is MOUNTAINOUS. Just Dig. It is ALL there "in the house of a good host."

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