Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Sophia is The Key

Who is Sophia? 

I am the first and the last. I am the honored one and the scorned one. 
I am the whore, and the holy one. I am the wife and the virgin.
I am the mother and the daughter….I am she whose wedding is great,
and I have not taken a husband….I am knowledge, and ignorance.
THUNDER, PERFECT MIND, Gnostic poem, 100 A.D.

Sophia is a central figure of the Gnostic texts and is a central figure in the Odes of Solomon found in the Gnostic text, Pistis Sophia. Every mystical branch of every religion refers to her. She is universal.

Sophia is that part of humanity that gives us unlimited power. The part that is coveted by the Masters of The Elite. An ability they do not have nor can they hope to attain. The ability that can bring them down through proper use and meditation. Sophia can and will begin to reverse the damage once you have contacted that part of you. Humanity joining together and using the gifts bestowed to us is all it takes. Learn this knowledge and pass it on.

The early Judeo-Christian Gnostics referred to her as the Wisdom of God. She is God’s feminine half—the compassionate side. She is the Holy Ghost, the Logos, Word, or Tao. She is Universal Intelligence projected into this realm by the First Manifested described in Gnostic Cosmology. She originates from regions outside time and space; from the world of the Shamans—the unconscious. She is infinite intelligence and wisdom always providing guidance and help to those who ask. Because she is beyond space and time, she is the source of synchronistic events and exists just behind the veil. Sophia sends us messages in dreams, often found through archetypal symbols found in mythology and alchemy. In psychological terms, von Franz describes her as representing the collective unconscious as “the sum of all the original idea patterns of reality.” (von Franz, Alchemy, p.184)

In St. Thomas Aquinas’s alchemical treatise, Aurora consurgens, Sophia seeks the human being who is worthy of her. She whispers in our ears in those quiet moments when we are still, to come and draw near. “Leave the ways of the Corruptor, and come near to me and I will enter into you and make you wise in the way of Truth.” (Ode to Solomon, p. 146) This represents the mystical marriage of our soul with the godhead. It represents the merging of our consciousness with our ‘diamond body’ by turning off the ‘out-flowing’ of our individual will. Once this happens we will possess a higher state of awareness and gradually melt and merge into something else—our beloved.

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